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AUTHORITIES OF THE UNIVERSITY The activities of the University are organised and supervised by the following authorities of which the Vice-Chancellor is the Head.
The Senate The Senate is the supreme authority of the University. It consists of 16 Ex-Officio members including the Chancellor (Governor of Kerala), the Pro-Chancellor (Minister of Education), the Vice-Chancellor and Pro Vice-Chancellor and 109 other members representing various spheres of life. The Senate has the power to review the action of the Syndicate and Academic Council save where the Syndicate or the Academic Council has acted in accordance with the powers conferred upon it under the Act, the Statutes, the Ordinance or the Regulations and shall exercise all the powers of the University not otherwise provided for by the Act or Statutes. The Syndicate The Syndicate is the chief executive body of the University. It consists of 6 Ex-Officio members including the Vice-Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Higher Education Secretary, Director of Public Instruction, Director of Collegiate Education, Information Technology Secretary and 14 members elected from the Senate from among themselves and four members who are experts in the field of Information Technology and Biotechnology. The general superintendence and control over the institutions of the University including the executive powers are vested in the Syndicate. The Academic Council The Academic Council is the supreme academic body of the University. It advises the Senate and the Syndicate on all academic matters including prescribing the courses of studies, making regulations on students admission and examination, instituting faculty positions and making proposals for the instruction, training and research in such branches of learning as it may think fit. The Faculties Faculties, constituted as prescribed by the Statutes from time to time, shall have charge of the teaching and the courses of study and research in the subjects as may be assigned by the Ordinance or Regulations, subject to the control of the Academic Council. Each faculty has the power to make recommendations to the Academic Council/Syndicate in all matters relating to the organization of the courses of study, examination and research in the subject of study comprised in the Faculty. Dean Of Faculties The Boards of Studies Boards of Studies are constituted separately for both PG and UG. There are also single Boards of Studies. At present, the University has 95 Boards. Members of the Boards of Studies hold office for a period of three years. The basic design of the curricula is done by the Boards of Studies. The Board decides the pattern of examination, the nature of the student assessment and also gives direction about the conduct of examination, besides drawing up the Syllabi. List of Board of Studies
The Students' Council The Students’ Council makes recommendations to the Syndicate and Academic Council in matters relating to the academic work of the students. The Council consists of 22 elected members from various Colleges and University Departments and six ex-officio members including the Vice-Chancellor who is the Chairman of the Council. The Finance Committee The Finance Committee advises the University on all maters relating to finance. The Committee consists of the Vice-Chancellor, Pro Vice-Chancellor, representatives of the Senate, the Syndicate and the Academic Council (one each, elected among themselves), the Finance Secretary to Government or an Officer not below the rank of a Joint Secretary nominated by him and the Higher Education Secretary to Government. The Finance Officer is the Secretary of the Committee.